After-school Programs for the Children of Mixed Culture Marriage
These children have Korean fathers and Vietnamese mothers. This makes them a unique ethnic group. They have special needs such as developing more self-confidence and finding a clear identity. We pick them up from school every day and bring them to our center providing snacks and sound teaching. We also have special programs such as art, dance,
bowling, field trips, and music. Furthermore, we have chapels on every Wednesday. For some of the children this would be the very first time that they even hear about God. They learn the Bible and praising songs through dancing.
Christian Charter (Home) School (Hope Academy)
By using American curriculums such as ACE and AOP, we provide faith-based education in
Vietnam. All students attending public schools in Vietnam must learn about socialism and
communism at least for 10 years. However, students attending our programs do not have to since our program is a home-school curriculum that is based in America. One of the subjects that a student must learn in our program is taking Bible courses. In addition to
that, students start each day with devotion time, and have a chapel once a week.
Orphan House (Long Tan)
Long Tan is located about 40 Km from HCMC. This is where the new international airport will be coming in few years. We have purchased a piece of land (about 1.3 acres) with the intent of building a dormitory and school for orphans. For the first phase of building, we are working on flooring and building fences now. The second phase would be building a dormitory, and a school later. The cost of building materials in here goes up daily, and this makes it difficult to estimate the cost of all projects. We estimate that it would cost at least $600,000. There are more orphans after COVID, and the need of caring for them is greater than ever before. This requires long-time commitments to take care of them until the orphans become adults who are ready to fully support themselves.